The mission of g.a.p. is to educate, encourage and empower disenfranchised youth, globally. G.A.P. -CREATE is an initiative whose mission is to support community resilience in Haiti through peer education and counseling in trauma and addictions.
G.A.P.- CREATE (Community for Recovery And Trauma Education) is a Global Adolescent Project initiative. G.A.P.-Create emerged from the 7 year history founded in response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake and 2016 Hurricane Matthew. Our work with G.A.P. grew as the teens grew and the needs for community wide training and education in mental wellbeing became obvious. We have partnered with organizations on the ground in Haiti and in the United States to develop training with mental health professionals, paraprofessionals and students of all ages. We use the community model developed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration called the Recovery Oriented System of Care. (illustrated below and adapted for Haiti.) We integrate community resources for education, training and counseling for issues of mental wellbeing, addiction and trauma resilience for youth all ages. We strongly believe in equal opportunity for mental wellbeing.